Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent molestie nec nisl eget scelerisque. Quisque placerat suscipit eros, eu tincidunt tellus blandit vel. Donec pellentesque dapibus interdum. Mauris et tellus congue , rutrum neque a, varius felis. Phasellus nibh diam, tincidunt nec risus ut, auctor gravida metus.
Ut commodo at lacus id egestas. Vivamus pellentesque mi erat, id tempus erat rhoncus at.
Sed maximus turpis odio, vitae maximus mauris aliquet ut. Ut placerat nulla quis lorem fermentum.
Nam non tortor posuere, venenatis odio eu, porttitor nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.
Professional services
for a comfortable interior
Praesent pharetra orci odio, ut mattis tellus ullamcorper ornare. Suspendisse ullamcorper metus in erat viverra, vehicula pharetra dolor accumsan. In arcu ex, rutrum finibus malesuada vel, placerat a neque. Mauris vitae orci purus . Mauris posuere molestie vehicula.
Our best projects
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Industrial style apartment
Praesent pharetra orci odio, ut mattis tellus ullamcorper ornare. Suspendisse ullamcorper metus in erat viverra , vehicula pharetra dolor accumsan. In arcu ex, rutrum finibus malesuada vel.
Mauris vitae orci purus. Mauris posuere molestie vehicula. Mauris nulla massa, maximus at semper vitae, varius cursus lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer viverra luctus neque.
Interior transformation
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Connecting People to Movements of Compassion
What started off as a local experiment in Jacksonville, Florida has really taken off, fast becoming a worldwide media ministry. It’s called Building a Difference, a series of wide ranging documentaries and productions featuring organizations, charities, and individuals working together to build a difference in the lives of people in desperate need.
Our mission is to shine a light on remarkable works of charity – even in the darkest of places – as we capture life-changing experiences to bring to a worldwide audience, igniting hearts to movements of compassion.
“When we received an unexpected opportunity to transform a local cable TV show into a worldwide media ministry, we had no idea how our story would unfold,” acknowledges Mick Richards, Exec. Pro/Director. “All we knew was that it was a clear call, and we wanted to be faithful to it where ever it might take us, and so we launched Building a Difference. Several years later, this vision is still growing into something far greater than we could have ever orchestrated on our own.”
Building a Difference is made up of a handful of missionary artists and storytellers driven by a sincere passion and commitment to use our talents for excellence in ministry. Over the years, we have established strong and lasting partnerships here at home and around the world. Our production team travels the globe capturing extensive, stirring footage that shows real people sacrificing their lives, bringing physical help and spiritual light to the hurting.
As a result, we have the opportunity to share these powerful experiences with the world. Our mandate is clear – to unveil stories of hope, ignite hearts, awaken the missionary inside each one of us, and provide fresh, exciting opportunities to join this “great rescue mission” like never before.
This is what makes our ministry so much more than just ‘feel-good’ entertainment. You’ve never seen or heard of anything like the Building a Difference media ministry – it’s unique, and you can be a part of it.