We wanted to take the spirit of community outreach we saw in Volume One… the deeper spiritual significance from Volume Two… the process of radical character change in Volume Three… and put those concepts to a road test in a cross-country experiment called the Movements of Compassion Tour.
Movements of Compassion
Featuring: The Page-Bailie Bunch from Volume One
The Experiment
One special family – One small RV – One year of missions
In this volume of shows, we are reunited with foster-adoptive mother Melisa Page-Bailie and many of her adopted children from Volume One! Accompanied by the brave missions leader Dianne Rigby, this team of seven came together for a cross-country missions experiment traveling in a small 31-foot RV.
For nine months they traveled together across the United States, Canada and parts of Alaska, serving alongside organizations bringing hope to those in desperate need.