Episode 2
If you are born with a talent, you should share the talent. Ours is homebuilding.”
Don Wilford, Div. President, ICI Homes

The Goodall’s church had a hug burden for them, so they contacted the local paper to help get the word out about Kenny and Karen’s financial and medical needs which they could not cover on their own. That article started a wildfire of gifts and donations for the family.
However, they were still left with the tremendous struggle of their home. It was never designed for a disabled person, needed many repairs, and was too small for eight people, even with four boys crammed in one small room. Never able to build the dream home because of the disease, Kenny was deeply distressed about having to leave his family stranded in its current condition.
The news of this family made its way to Don Wilford, Div. President of ICI Homes, and Chris Simons, the new Exec. Director for Builders Care. After meeting Kenny and his family for the first time, they immediately wanted to help. They shared Kenny’s story with the trades partners of the Northeast Builders Association, and the Builders Care community rallied together to help make Kenny’s dream come true. “If you are born with a talent, you should share the talent. Ours is homebuilding,” explained Don Wilford.