Dianne Rigby takes a break from the Movements of Compassion Tour to speak with Radio Host Terry Casey about the power of the Movements of Compassion Tour, Building a Difference...
Exciting! "Families Reaching Out" - Watch the newest webisode video from the Page-Bailie Bunch as they capture their experiences during the Movements of Compassion Tour!
"Team Courageous" has safely arrived in Arizona to partner with FROMM Ministries. For two weeks they will be assisting with missions and vacation Bible schools in...
"Young Lives Trail West" - Watch the newest webisode video from the Page-Bailie Bunch while recording their experiences during the Movements of Compassion Tour! You can follow...
On the night before the tour began, Team Courageous got a surprise new addition to the team. " Watch And Trisha Makes Seven," the newest webisode video from the Page-Bailie Bunch...
A NEW WEBISODE SERIES! The Page-Bailie Bunch will be recording their experiences during the Movements of Compassion Tour for a new webisode series. “I want the children to journal everyday...
As part of our fundraising and promotional efforts for a new series Building a Difference productions focusing on missions, we are announcing the “Movements of Compassion Tour”...
"The world is rapidly changing," remarks Mick Richards, "and as a response to what many are seeing unfold, they are left angry, discouraged, and some even afraid. People are asking themselves...
Building a Difference made a major announcement at the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Convention in Nashville - the Beyond Your Borders multi-series focusing on missions!
Building a Difference at the NRB! Building a Difference has news and will be releasing it at the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Convention in Nashville, TN at the Opryland Convention...